Techno toujours pareil Salut C’est Cool

Harmonic Analysis


Most Frequent Lyrics

Word Translation Overall Frequency Song Frequency
eh eh 0.00 20
boum boom 0.00 16
de of 54.81 16
à at 18.14 9
pas not 2.48 8
dire say 0.00 8
rien nothing 0.13 8
normal normal 0.00 8
message message 0.00 8
techno techno 0.00 8
toujours always 0.34 8
musique music 0.23 8
oreilles ears 0.00 8
les the 19.47 8
dans in 9.24 8
pareil the same 0.00 8
défonce-man stoned-man 0.00 8
(rien (nothing 0.00 1
dire) say) 0.00 1