Ensemble Jean-Jacques Goldman

Harmonic Analysis


Most Frequent Lyrics

Word Translation Overall Frequency Song Frequency
ensemble together 0.28 43
nous we 0.40 15
était-ce was it 0.00 8
reviens-moi come back to me 0.00 8
de of 54.81 7
tout all 0.99 7
franchi crossed 0.00 7
l'avons have it 0.00 7
souviens-toi remember 0.00 6
je I 0.26 5
mur Wall 0.00 5
ne born 2.24 5
étions were 0.00 5
immense immense 0.00 5
mais But 2.37 5
d'un of a 0.00 5
que than 6.76 5
souviens remember 0.00 5
me me 0.13 5
voyages trips 0.00 4
vie life 0.53 4
ma my 0.00 4
à at 18.14 4
s'ajoute adds 0.00 4
mai may 0.33 4
si if 0.73 4
loin far 0.10 4
tes your 0.00 4
ici here 0.13 4
ou or 4.11 4
the 0.11 4
un a 11.35 4
lundi Monday 0.00 4
novembre November 0.34 4
quand when 0.29 3
plus more 5.13 3
est is 12.06 3
rassemble gathers 0.00 3
temps time 0.67 3
le the 27.60 3
chemins paths 0.00 3
croisent cross 0.00 3
se itself 4.08 3
qui who 6.56 3
nos our 0.10 3
besoin need 0.12 3
j'ai I have 0.00 3
joli pretty 0.00 3