La Demoiselle Angelo Branduardi

Harmonic Analysis


Most Frequent Lyrics

Word Translation Overall Frequency Song Frequency
ton your 0.00 20
tu you 0.00 15
t'a your 0.00 10
ta your 0.00 10
ombre shadow 0.00 10
le the 27.60 10
ne born 2.24 8
et and 22.78 8
pas not 2.48 8
qui who 6.56 7
veux want 0.00 5
t'agites you're agitating 0.00 5
dans in 9.24 5
perdus lost 0.00 5
enfance childhood 0.00 5
voix voice 0.15 5
souvenirs memories 0.00 5
elles they 0.35 5
des of 15.60 5
reviendront will come back 0.00 5
silence silence 0.00 5
grand tall 0.59 5
trembles aspens 0.00 5
c'est this is 0.00 5
rendu rendering 0.00 5
demoiselle young lady 0.00 5
joie joy 0.12 5
rire to laugh 0.00 5
pris taken 0.13 5
elle she 1.91 5
malade sick 0.00 5
bien good 0.88 5
la the 33.34 5
ruisseau stream 0.00 5
sur sure 5.08 5
marchant walking 0.00 5
reviendra will come back 0.00 3
mais But 2.37 2
te you 0.00 2
les the 19.47 2
rendra will return 0.00 2