Tavs radio melo Mofo

Harmonic Analysis


Most Frequent Lyrics

Word Translation Overall Frequency Song Frequency
tu you 0.00 14
mani mani 0.00 12
ved ved 0.00 12
kur where 1.01 8
tavs your 0.00 4
to to 3.94 4
un and 30.80 4
melo melo 0.00 4
radio radio 0.00 4
vēl yet 1.07 3
zini zini 0.00 3
anonīmi anonymously 0.00 3
klusi quietly 0.00 3
tik this much 0.16 3
pusi half 0.00 3
debess sky 0.00 3
rietošo rolling 0.00 3
uz to 6.48 3
gribi want 0.00 1