Doidaça Gusttavo Lima

Harmonic Analysis


Most Frequent Lyrics

Word Translation Overall Frequency Song Frequency
que what 17.48 30
vem comes 0.14 24
'tá 'OK 0.00 18
pirou freaked out 0.00 12
mulher woman 0.11 12
com with 10.00 12
tudo all 0.20 12
a The 33.67 10
eu me 0.32 8
se if 4.67 8
dar to give 0.13 6
o The 28.98 6
você you 0.21 6
quer would you like 0.11 6
doidaça crazy 0.00 6
é is 8.30 6
doida crazy 0.00 6
hoje today 0.30 6
gente people 0.00 6
faz does 0.24 6
vou I will 0.00 6
arregaça roll up 0.00 6
chegando arriving 0.00 4
pra for 0.00 4
clima climate 0.00 4
no at the 8.66 4
entra goes into 0.00 4
pega catch 0.00 4
cima up 0.00 4
pegando Catching 0.00 4
parte part 1.02 4
chega enough 0.00 4
mais more 4.96 3
falando Speaking 0.00 2
besteira bullshit 0.00 2
inteira entire 0.00 2
noite night 0.13 2
provocando taunting 0.00 2
em in 18.53 2
meu my 0.00 2
ouvindo listening 0.00 2
um one 11.23 2
monte mount 0.00 2
de in 54.10 2
e and 28.03 2
colocando putting 0.00 2
mão hand 0.00 2
por per 6.64 2
baixo low 0.15 2
insinuando hinting 0.00 2
cadeira chair 0.00 2
me me 0.14 2
brincadeira Just kidding 0.00 2
dessa of that 0.13 2
gostando liking 0.00 2
da gives 14.95 2