Cor de ouro Gusttavo Lima

Harmonic Analysis


Most Frequent Lyrics

Word Translation Overall Frequency Song Frequency
você you 0.21 17
que what 17.48 14
sem without 0.65 11
eu me 0.32 11
é is 8.30 11
esse that 0.38 10
me me 0.14 10
de in 54.10 9
vida life 0.54 9
no at the 8.66 6
amor love 0.64 6
um one 11.23 6
minha my 0.00 5
nos we 1.62 5
cor color 0.00 5
ouro gold 0.12 5
perto near 0.16 5
deixa leave 0.00 5
louco Crazy 0.00 5
sorriso smile 0.00 5
teus your 0.00 5
ver to see 0.14 5
lábios lips 0.00 5
cabelo hair 0.00 5
todo all 0.52 5
não no 3.67 5
por per 6.64 5
sei know 0.00 5
mais more 4.96 5
entrego I give 0.00 5
deserto desert 0.00 4
comigo with me 0.00 4
a The 33.67 4
I'm 0.00 4
céu heaven 0.00 2
paráiso Paradise 0.00 2
nunca Never 0.18 2
com with 10.00 2
antes before 0.71 2
dia day 0.74 2
fosse were 0.14 2
ser to be 2.67 2
assim like this 0.78 2
chegou has arrived 0.18 2
dizer tell 0.00 2
nada nothing 0.10 2
tomou took 0.00 2
conta account 0.16 2
mim me 0.00 2
chegar to arrive 0.00 2
preciso need 0.00 2
only 0.33 2
tinha had 0.47 2
solidão loneliness 0.00 2
somente only 0.21 2
marcas brands 0.00 2
e and 28.03 2
feridas wounds 0.00 2
meu my 0.00 2
coração heart 0.00 2
pensei I thought 0.00 2
tudo all 0.20 2