Carro pancadão Israel Novaes

Harmonic Analysis


Most Frequent Lyrics

Word Translation Overall Frequency Song Frequency
carro car 0.00 38
pancadão knock 0.00 32
mulherada woman 0.00 18
a The 33.67 18
dererererê dererererê 0.00 12
pras pras 0.00 8
gatinha Kitty 0.00 8
equipei team 0.00 6
eu me 0.32 6
novaes new 0.00 6
israel Israel 0.10 6
no at the 8.66 6
pira pyre 0.00 6
gosta like 0.00 6
quer would you like 0.11 6
enlouquecer to freak out 0.00 6
de in 54.10 6
meu my 0.00 6
botei did put 0.00 6
pra for 0.00 4
vidro glass 0.00 3
quatro four 0.43 3
rodão rodon 0.00 3
costa coast 0.29 3
suspensão suspension 0.00 3
à The 2.38 3
ar air 0.41 3
banco Bank 0.00 3
rodar rotate 0.00 3
teto ceiling 0.00 3
solar solar 0.00 3
power power 0.00 3
dvd DVD 0.11 3
gps gps 0.00 3
couro leather 0.00 3
fumê smoked 0.00 3
se if 4.67 2
sentar to sit 0.00 2
voar fly 0.00 1
turbina turbine 0.00 1
e and 28.03 1
um one 11.23 1