Anti todo Eskorbuto

Harmonic Analysis


Most Frequent Lyrics

Word Translation Overall Frequency Song Frequency
todos everyone 0.70 10
no no 3.86 7
sirven serving 0.00 6
de of 72.62 6
enemigos enemies 0.00 5
nos us 0.14 5
contra against 0.47 5
necia foolish 0.00 5
lucha fight 0.00 5
hay there are 0.54 5
amigos friends 0.00 5
ni neither 0.23 5
los the 16.67 4
qué than 0.00 4
que than 20.53 3
más plus 4.32 2
nada nothing 0.12 2
a to 18.97 2
y and 26.06 2
corrompernos corrupt us 0.00 2
nacer be born 0.00 2
empiezan they begin 0.00 2
sumisión submission 0.00 1
anti anti 0.00 1
somos we are 0.00 1
demuestra shows 0.00 1
eso that 0.13 1
generales general 0.00 1
huelgas strikes 0.00 1
manifestaciones demonstrations 0.00 1
libres free 0.00 1
encarcelados imprisoned 0.00 1
absoluta absolute 0.00 1
están is it so 0.44 1
parados unemployed 0.00 1
olvidan they forget 0.00 1
se I know 13.85 1
trabajan they work 0.00 1
crecemos we grow 0.00 1
envejecemos we grow old 0.00 1
en in 33.10 1
todo everything 0.83 1