La sarna Tlen Huicani

Harmonic Analysis


Most Frequent Lyrics

Word Translation Overall Frequency Song Frequency
que than 20.53 18
es it is 6.31 14
solo) alone) 0.00 12
(tilín (tinkle 0.00 12
(solo (alone 0.00 12
por by 10.00 12
eso) that) 0.00 12
tilín) tinkle) 0.00 12
(tolón (toulon 0.00 12
tolón) toulon) 0.00 12
(por (by 0.00 12
eso that 0.13 12
de of 72.62 10
no no 3.86 10
me I 0.13 10
la the 42.47 8
si yes 0.77 8
un a 10.68 7
sarnícula sarnicle 0.00 6
déjame let me 0.00 6
rascarme scratch me 0.00 6
sabe knows 0.00 6
a to 18.97 6
emperador emperor 0.00 6
madre mother 0.00 6
sarna scabies 0.00 6
tengo I have 0.00 4
pienses think 0.00 4
rasca scratch 0.00 4
quieres you want 0.00 4
porque why 0.25 4
se I know 13.85 4
dices you say 0.00 4
mi me 0.00 4
bien well 0.40 4
ahora now 0.16 3
comezón itch 0.00 3
requesón curd 0.00 3
poco little bit 0.34 3
tortuga tortoise 0.00 2
peor worst 0.00 2
humor humor 0.00 2
una a 9.06 2
y and 26.06 2
malo bad 0.00 2
uno one 0.94 2
mosquito mosquito 0.00 2
mal wrong 0.11 2
del of the 12.93 2
nace born 0.00 2
accidente accident 0.00 2
piquete picket 0.00 2
aquí here 0.00 2
granito granite 0.00 2
mordida bite 0.00 2
verruga wart 0.00 2
sal Salt 0.00 1
rascalera scraper 0.00 1
jiribilla jiribilla 0.00 1
gelatina jelly 0.00 1
rascalina rascalin 0.00 1
mantequilla Butter 0.00 1
ligera light 0.00 1