Rey del Glam Alaska y Dinarama

Harmonic Analysis


Most Frequent Lyrics

Word Translation Overall Frequency Song Frequency
el he 33.97 18
you 0.00 12
eres you are 0.00 12
rey king 0.21 12
del of the 12.93 12
glam glam 0.00 12
y and 26.06 12
las the 9.84 6
a to 18.97 6
modas fashions 0.00 6
cambiar change 0.00 6
podrás you can 0.00 6
nunca never 0.17 6
que than 20.53 6
vienen they come 0.00 6
van go 0.00 6
porque why 0.25 6
ajeno alien 0.00 6
con with 9.61 6
en in 33.10 6
de of 72.62 6
73 73 0.00 4
quedado left 0.00 4
los the 16.67 4
te tea 0.00 4
bowie bowie 0.00 4
has have you 0.00 4
t-rex t-rex 0.00 4
esmalte enamel 0.00 2
rimmel mascara 0.00 2
tacón heel 0.00 2
aguja needle 0.00 2
hombreras shoulder pads 0.00 2
ojos eyes 0.00 2
pintados painted 0.00 2
dos two 1.32 2
kilos kilos 0.00 2
muy very 0.83 2
uñas nail 0.00 2
negros blacks 0.00 2
labios lips 0.00 2
tu you 0.00 2
glitter glitter 0.00 2
pelo hair 0.00 2
cuero leather 0.00 2
leopardo leopard 0.00 2
negro black 0.00 2
gigantescas gigantic 0.00 2