Ella también Luis Alberto Spinetta

Harmonic Analysis


Most Frequent Lyrics

Word Translation Overall Frequency Song Frequency
a to 18.97 16
es it is 6.31 14
y and 26.06 13
ella she 0.31 12
de of 72.62 11
viene comes 0.00 11
se I know 13.85 8
llueven it rains 0.00 8
que than 20.53 8
dormirme fall asleep 0.00 6
en in 33.10 6
las the 9.84 6
estrellas stars 0.00 5
movida move 0.00 5
ninguna none 0.00 4
juntan put together 0.00 4
manos hands 0.00 4
tocarle touch him 0.00 4
puedo may l 0.00 4
como how 6.93 4
luna Moon 0.00 4
el he 33.97 4
mojarse get wet 0.00 4
la the 42.47 4
no no 3.86 4
ya already 1.04 4
los the 16.67 4
clara clear 0.00 4
tan so 0.21 4
pies feet 0.00 4
nacer be born 0.00 2
cuando when 1.11 2
cansó tired 0.00 2
final final 0.53 2
recuesto recline 0.00 2
me I 0.13 2
yo me 0.00 2
cansa tires 0.00 2
este East 1.84 2
sol Sun 0.00 2
mar sea 0.16 2
al to the 5.82 2
quien who 0.46 2
sube goes up 0.00 2
donde where 0.99 2
tanto so much 0.63 2
querer want 0.00 2
hasta until 1.21 2
cae falls off 0.00 2
hojas leaves 0.00 2
tambien also 0.00 2
vienen they come 0.00 1