Señora Rocío Jurado

Harmonic Analysis


Most Frequent Lyrics

Word Translation Overall Frequency Song Frequency
era was 0.93 18
ahora now 0.16 16
señora Ms 0.00 16
que than 20.53 14
libre free 0.17 12
de of 72.62 12
tarde late 0.30 10
puede may 1.25 8
él he 0.43 8
como how 6.93 8
nadie no one 0.00 8
es it is 6.31 8
me 0.00 8
apartarlo push it away 0.00 8
yo me 0.00 6
ya already 1.04 6
y and 26.06 6
mi me 0.00 6
lo the 3.00 4
dijo said 0.23 4
me I 0.13 4
el he 33.97 4
supe i knew 0.00 4
creí i believed 0.00 4
la the 42.47 4
su its 6.67 4
cuando when 1.11 4
palomas pigeons 0.00 2
hoja leaf 0.00 2
las the 9.84 2
aire air 0.19 2
mismo same 0.80 2
vagabundo homeless 0.00 2
sólo alone 0.27 2
aroma smell 0.00 2
ser be 1.66 2
dentro inside 0.38 2
llevaba wore 0.00 2
mundo world 0.68 2
usted you 0.00 2
existía existed 0.00 2
sombra shadow 0.00 2
vida lifetime 0.48 2
parte part 1.25 2
atrás behind 0.00 2
echar throw 0.00 2
para for 6.51 2
verdad true 0.00 2
toda all 0.30 2
seca dry 0.00 2