Corazón de tango Doctor Deseo

Harmonic Analysis


Most Frequent Lyrics

Word Translation Overall Frequency Song Frequency
y and 26.06 12
a to 18.97 11
mi me 0.00 10
de of 72.62 9
en in 33.10 8
brazos arms 0.00 7
you 0.00 7
que than 20.53 6
droga drug 0.00 5
locura madness 0.00 5
dulce sweet 0.12 5
tus your 0.00 5
más plus 4.32 5
perderme lose myself 0.00 5
siempre forever 0.19 5
vamos we go 0.00 5
durar to last 0.00 5
engañarnos deceive us 0.00 5
va goes 0.12 5
dime tell me 0.00 5
esto this 0.52 5
dura hard 0.00 5
cielo heaven 0.00 5
un a 10.68 4
al to the 5.82 4
la the 42.47 3
adiós goodbye 0.00 3
yo me 0.00 3
soy I am 0.00 2
su its 6.67 2
vendió sold 0.00 2
soledad loneliness 0.00 2
alma soul 0.00 2
sinvergüenza scoundrel 0.00 2
aprendiz apprentice 0.00 2
el he 33.97 2
jota jot 0.00 2
cuerpo Body 0.18 2
tengo I have 0.00 2
tango tango 0.00 2
corazón heart 0.00 2
brindando toasting 0.00 2
por by 10.00 2
mis my 0.00 2
diablo Devil 0.00 2
tuviste You saw 0.00 1
viento wind 0.13 1
hasta until 1.21 1
decirme tell me 0.00 1
calles streets 0.00 1
hundidas sunken 0.00 1
pies feet 0.00 1
pa' pa ' 0.00 1
echarte kick you out 0.00 1
falta lack 0.14 1
muerte death 0.26 1
fiel faithful 0.00 1
bailando dancing 0.00 1
ritmo rhythm 0.00 1
zapatos shoes 0.00 1
negros blacks 0.00 1
como how 6.93 1
una a 9.06 1
veleta vane 0.00 1
aquí here 0.00 1